JOHSC Training is Mandatory

JOHSC Training is Mandatory
JOHSC Training is Mandatory

Did you know that if your workplace has 20 or more workers, it is mandatory for you to have a joint committee? If your workplace has more than 9 but fewer than 20 workers, you need to have a worker health and safety representative.

The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation requires mandatory JOHSC worker education, and training.

Members meet at least once a month and the minutes must be recorded and posted in the workplace for at least three months. The joint committee brings together representatives of the employer and the workers to identify hazards in the workplace, make recommendations to the employer and follow up on safety issues. While the JOHSC’s role is consultative, working together can be the best way to reduce injury and illness in the workplace. The good news is that the OHS Registry has the JOHSC training that you need in order to stay in compliance.