It Was An Accident
Spills can occur during fuelling, handling chemicals or due to mechanical failure of equipment. It is important to conduct hazard assessments at your worksite to identify spills and get them cleaned-up. Monitoring for staining can be added to the inspection checklist and spill trays should be used when employees are refuelling equipment as any drips, or spills can be quickly absorbed into the ground, or easily create a slip trip and fall hazard on an otherwise safe concrete floor.

Cleaning up a workplace fuel spill or controlling a fuel spill from spreading on the ground may only require the use of absorbent socks found in spill kits. Hazardous waste containers are a must have item to place fuel socked absorbent socks into until they can be properly disposed of. It is important to take the necessary precautions to protect against spills, along with creating a plan for containing and cleaning up a fuel spill should it occur.
To help you deal with the dangers of a workplace spill, the team at the OH&S Registry have the Spill Response Training so that you can take on the widest range of liquids. The OH&S Minor Spills training is designed to teach workers how to handle the kind of liquids that you use most, like water, oils, solvents or coolants. Universal containers are perfectly packed for fast response to keep you and your employees prepared from one end of your job site to the other, but you have to know how to use them. In addition, Vehicle Spill Response Kits are ideal for carrying in the cab of your truck. The compact vehicle response kit fits behind the seat in most truck cabs and has everything needed to handle small spills while you are on the road. Be prepared, don’t get caught without the training you need to respond to an unexpected spill or leak.