BC Housing Education Registry

OH&S Registry programs are accredited by the BC Housing Education Registry and meet the quality standards for issuance of CPD – continuing professional development points to the BC Housing general contractor membership in the province of British Columbia.
The following OH&S Registry safety programs are accredited programs:
- Asbestos Risk of Exposure,
- Confined Space Entry,
- Crystalline Silica Risk of Exposure,
- Electrical Safety for Non-Electrical Workers,
- Fall Protection,
- Hand and Power Tool Safety,
- JOSH – Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee,
- Mobile Elevated Work Platform Operator,
- Propane Safety,
- Respirator Protection and Fit Testing,
- Scaffolding Erector Competencies,Scaffolding User Competencies,
- Skid Steer Loader Operator,
- Telehandler Forklift Operator,
- Trenching and Excavation,
- Working Around Heavy Equipment.
There are 3 ways to contact us:
Talk to Us!
Canada West: (778) 957-6407
Canada East: (647) 250-7646
Mail Us!
Send Postal Mail To:
OH&S Registry
825B Laval Crescent
Kamloops, BC V2C 5P2