Instructor Certification and Monitoring for Recertification

Prior to the OHS Registry issuing initial instructor certification authorizing the instructor to start teaching, all instructor applicants must be assessed for competency. Instructors must be assessed for competency prior to certification and subsequently monitored for competency not less than once each 3 years thereafter.
- All levels of OHS Registry Instructor certifications are renewed every (3) years.
- The Instructor must teach a minimum of (1) course annually.
- The Instructor must maintain acceptable performance standards.
- The Instructor must be monitored for competency every three (3) years.
- The Instructor must have their qualifications available for presentation upon request of a training centre representative or an OHS Registry QA representative.
Instructor Recertification
- The OHS Registry is ultimately responsible for instructor certificate renewal preferably prior to the expiry of the instructor certificate. Instructors renewal documentation must be provide for review by the OH&S Registry and if inconsistencies are found during the verification of an instructors references, background, documentation and/or instructor credentials, the OHS Registry will not issue a renewal letter or certificate to that instructor.
- The OHS Registry will only issue instructor re-certification to the instructor who is deemed competent and re-certification will be issued to instructors every 3 years.
Who can conduct Instructor Monitoring for 3 year Re-certification?
A monitor is often a peer instructor, but need not be. A monitor can also be a supervisor, or representative of the company that offers OHS Registry safety training.
The Monitor Self-study guide is used to help individuals understand the monitors obligations when monitoring an OHS Registry Instructor for their (3) year Instructor re-certification. The Monitor Self Study guide must be reviewed to reinforce the knowledge necessary to conduct the monitoring of an instructor during the presentation of an actual OHS Registry Safety training program.
Conducting monitoring of competency assessments
- Competency assessments must be conducted by a qualified person who has the ability, the knowledge, skills and attitude to conduct instructor competency (monitoring) assessments.
- If the qualified person that is conducting the monitoring of an instructors competency determines that the certified instructor is not demonstrating appropriate competency to continue the delivery of the course, the qualified person must make the decision to have a competent certified instructor take over the delivery of the course, or the course must be discontinued.
- When monitoring of an instructors competency is being conducted (including renewal and/or remedial), an in-class observation of a minimum of 4 hours must be completed and provided no competency issues or serious complaints arise, not less than once each three years thereafter. Instructor competency assessments must include completion of assessment of competency monitoring form(s). Monitoring forms are available by request to the OHS Registry. The OHS Registry will review the monitoring documentation of the performance of the instructor’s classes and any feedback provided from students and the training centre representatives
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Canada West: (778) 957-6407
Canada East: (647) 250-7646
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OH&S Registry
825B Laval Crescent
Kamloops, BC V2C 5P2