Is Insurance a Requirement?

Proof of insurance is not a requirement of the OHS Registry however it is an ever growing possibility that instructors and training centres could be sued and it is recommended that insurance needs be investigated.
There are many policies available through different insurance brokers and OHS Registry does not endorse any insurance providers, but offers the following information as a resource to those investigating the need for insurance.
As an Instructor you can be held liable if you are negligent in some way and as a result of the negligence you cause bodily injury or property damage to another party.
This may come as a result of the premises that you occupy such as a slip or a fall. It my be claimed that you negligently provided information and or professional instruction which results in bodily injury or property damage. These are types of potential claims.
Errors and Omissions, also known as professional liability insurance, is a product that is designed to protect you and your business in the event that a customer or a client alleges that an error or neglect act on your part resulted in a financial loss for their company.
Commercial General Liability insurance (CGL) protects a business from lawsuits involving bodily injuries that occur within a workplace, and injuries or damages caused by employees elsewhere.
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Canada West: (778) 957-6407
Canada East: (647) 250-7646
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OH&S Registry
825B Laval Crescent
Kamloops, BC V2C 5P2