Suspension Intolerance Straps
Following a fall, a worker using a fall arrest system may remain suspended in their harness. The sustained immobility may lead to a state of unconsciousness. Depending on the length of time the suspended worker is unconscious or remains immobile, the level of venous pooling may result in orthostatic intolerance. Symptoms of orthostatic intolerance include development of palpitations, nausea, dizziness, headache, sweating, and weakness.

Venous pooling typically occurs in the legs due to the force of gravity and a lack of movement. In the veins, blood normally is moved back to the heart through one-way valves using the normal muscular action associated with limb movement. If the legs are immobile, then these “muscle pumps” do not operate effectively, and blood can accumulate. Since veins can expand, a large volume of blood may accumulate in the veins.
An accumulation of blood in the legs reduces the amount of blood in circulation. The body reacts to this reduction by speeding up the heart rate to maintain sufficient blood flow to the brain. If the blood supply is significantly reduced, the body will abruptly slow the heart rate and the blood pressure will diminish in the arteries. During severe venous pooling, the reduction in quantity and/or quality (oxygen content) of blood flowing to the brain causes fainting. If these conditions continue, they potentially may be fatal, such fatalities often are referred to as “harness induced pathology” or “suspension trauma.”
A worker who is suspended in a fall arrest harness can protect them self from orthostatic intolerance by pumping and flexing their legs. This action will help to circulate blood and prevent venous pooling.
Suspension Intolerance Straps are another important consideration, as they allow a fallen worker to relieve the pressure on their legs caused by their harness and assume a standing position. By allowing the fallen worker to assume a standing position and relieve pressure on the lower extremities, the Suspension Intolerance Strap allows better blood flow and reduces fatigue, nausea, and the potential for life-threatening heart conditions due to oxygen depleted blood.
The DSI Safety Suspension Intolerance Strap attaches to any personal fall arrest harness and deployment of the suspension intolerance strap is just so easy; unzip each pouch, connect the straps with each other making a loop with the help of the easy-to-use buckle. Put your feet into the loop and stand onto the loop so that the thigh straps of your fall arrest harness are free to move. Adjust the sit strap on the harness toward the front to release pressure and give you a seated posture.
The DSI Safety Suspension Intolerance Strap should be an essential part of your Fall Protection Rescue Plan, to ensure your safety in the event of a fall.