What is the Digital Document Transfer System?

The Digital Document Transfer system is used to transfer training course documentation stored at the training centre locations instead of physical sending documents to the OHS Registry in order to remain in compliance with the Teaching and Accreditation Standard and the policies and procedures of the OHS Registry.
Training Centres must sign the – Digital Document Transfer and Records Storage Training Centre Agreement.
- OHS Registry training centres sign the Digital Document Transfer and Records Storage Agreement identifying their acceptance of the responsibility to maintain complete and accurate training records for all recognized OHS Registry courses. Class documents must be kept for a period of three years plus one day (the duration of all certificates issued).
- Original hard copies of documents must be forwarded to the OHS Registry upon request. Generally this will only be requested if an audit were being scheduled although there may be times, during an investigation for example, that certain course documents from a specific training centre might be requested.
- Training centres may request not to use the Digital Document Transfer and Records Storage system. Should further information be required contact the OHS Registry.
Upload Procedure
Scan the Course Documentation and use the following format to name the file:
Instructor Number_Name of the Program_MM.DD.YY
For example, an instructor with the registry # 170001 has taught a Fall Protection course on June 4, 2017 and the instructor has scanned the documentation.
The next step is to name the file as follows;
The file is e-mailed to the OHS Registry using; [email protected]
Talk to Us!
Canada West: (778) 957-6407
Canada East: (647) 250-7646
Mail Us!
Send Postal Mail To:
OH&S Registry
825B Laval Crescent
Kamloops, BC V2C 5P2